Velocipede 4.6
Copyright © 1993-2004, Jørn Yngve Dahl-Stamnes
Updated October 31st, 2004.

Report templates

Velocipede allow the user to create report templates. A report template is a definition that include which data to use and how the data shall be formatted in the report. There are two types of output from Velocipede - text reports, HTML based report and CSV (Comma Separated Value) reports (limited to only a few template types). The user can define around 32000 different report templates in a database. To help new users, two sets of default report templates are included in the program distribution.

In Velocipede there are 59 different report types grouped into two classes - full reports and short reports (or column based reports). There are 26 different sub-reports that can be used by different full report (column based report used to extend the content of a full report).

The defined report templates are organized in a tree structure for better overview. Report templates can be exported and imported to a database.

Dialog box #1

A report template define how the report shall look like, which data fields to include and more. You also define the sort order and which fields to include in the report header. For some reports, you can sort the data on several fields. It is also possible to use different metric units when data like distance, height etc are being printed out.

The report style define if you want to create a continues report (no page brakes), a paged report (page brakes and page numbering) or a HTML report.

Dialog box #2

You have full control of which data fields you want to include in the report. You can pick the data fields you want to include in your report from a list showing all available data fields.

For column based reports you can set the column header text, column width and data alignment for each data field.
For full reports you can set leading text and width, data field width and more.

Dialog box #3

Each report template has a field for a description text. You can choose if you want this text to be printed in the report or not.

Dialog box #4

When creating a report, you first choose which kind of report to create. After selecting the report type through the menu interface, you will get a list where all the defined report templates are shown.
The report template keeps a list of the last created report files, making it easier for the user to select which file to write the report to.

Dialog box #5

Training entries to include in the report are selected when creating the report. The report template can also include specifications of which data to use if the user does not specify this at create time.

Dialog box #6

And this is how the report is looking like:

**                                                                            **
**                     Velocipede 4.7.0 Report Generator                      **
**                            Short biking report                             **
**                       Created 17. Mar 2001 15:37:19                        **
**                           Author: Luke Skywalker                           **
**                         Template: Indoor training                          **
**                                                                            **

Report notes:
    This note will be printed in the report

Date       Time     Ex. time   To. time   Dst. Avg.spd.  End HRM     RR  Hrm/Spd
29.02 2000 19:30    00:40:00   01:20:10  21.14     31.7      127  28/60   4.6358
26.02 2000 16:20    01:00:00   01:45:00  32.16     32.2      125  29/60   4.5398
16.02 2000 20:40    01:00:00   01:45:20  32.08     32.1      128  34/60   4.5511
30.01 2000 18:40    01:00:00   01:47:32  32.11     32.1      128  35/60   4.5469
28.01 2000 18:15    01:00:00   01:00:00  32.02     32.0      129  32/60   4.5596
22.01 2000 16:40    01:00:00   01:45:00  31.67     31.7      126  27/60   4.5785
15.01 2000 14:30    00:40:00   01:13:20  21.47     32.2      127  32/60   4.4714
12.01 2000 20:10    00:40:00   01:09:50  21.60     32.4      128  28/60   4.4136
07.01 2000 19:30    00:40:00   01:05:40  21.25     31.9      127  29/60   4.4863
Total of 9 training entries written
Total exercise time         : 07:40:00
Total training time         : 12:51:52
Minimum training time       : 00:40:00
Average training time       : 00:51:06
Maximum training time       : 01:00:00
Total training distance     : 245.50 km
Total ODO distance          : 245.60 km
Total accumulated altitude  : 0.0 meter

The short biking report include 9 columns - training date and time, exercise time, total time, training distance, average speed, end heart rate, recovery rate and coherence between average heart rate and average speed.

Other examples

  1. Maintenance report
  2. Combined Weekly report
  3. Short bicycling report with background coloring rules in action.
  4. Reports created based on the author's training log. The repors are created using a group report, which makes it possible to create several reports in one operation.

I made this! Jørn Dahl-Stamnes.